Sept. 4 2014
Corporate reputations have only been measured in earnest since the 1990s, and within the nascent management discipline of reputation management, there continues to be a healthy debate about how to use... View More
Aug. 29 2014
Knowing the true value of an electronic customer (for eBilling and eDelivery) will allow management to make better decisions about a) communications strategy and b) the amount of corporate resources to... View More
Aug. 26 2014
There has been a lot of talk about automating the classification of documents and records. Most of the focus is on the accuracy of classification and eliminating errors. Less often, there is a discussion... View More
Aug. 20 2014
Epiphany! Merriam-Webster defines epiphany as \"a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way.\" I have been an IT professional for over 30 years and have seen my... View More
Aug. 11 2014
Document management is such an enormous subject that it is very difficult for any organization to effectively wrap its arms around the entire system and successfully improve it. However, the document is... View More
Aug. 7 2014
In my travels, I have often been told how complex enterprise content management (ECM) is to understand and implement. I find this somewhat curious and disconcerting. Perhaps this is due to my longevity... View More
Aug. 6 2014
Looking at the 28 topics that DOCUMENT Media highlights for subscribers and knowledge management (KM) practitioners on its website, I couldn’t help but notice that some of them were direct contributors... View More
July 8 2014
Having spent many years in the “conversion optimization” subdiscipline of marketing—a forerunner to what is now known as “growth hacking” in some circles—I’ve... View More
July 2 2014
After years of consulting, I have learned that the biggest problem we face when looking at implementing a document management system is the status quo. People, whether happy with existing technology or... View More
June 30 2014
June 26 2014
Building and protecting the company’s reputation is a growing concern for CEOs and board of directors. More and more, stakeholders influence your business success, and with social media, it has become... View More
June 23 2014
Years ago, there was a serious effort to bring customer communications management (CCM) into the broader enterprise content management (ECM) fold. While CCM stood for component content management back... View More
June 17 2014
If there is one thing that the technology industry has never been short of, then that would be big ideas. Regardless of how on many occasions, perhaps most, the realization of those ideas falls short of... View More
June 12 2014
Successful enterprise content management (ECM) business cases align with organizational planning imperatives, demonstrate creativity and innovation in solution concepts, deliver value for money and offer... View More
June 9 2014
Document management has become one of the most elusive business concerns of the information age. Those that aggressively seek to improve operations are now finding that their document production and management... View More
June 3 2014
Whether you’re planning to rewrite all your documents to improve your customer’s experience or planning to migrate them from a legacy platform to a modern publishing system and possibly convert... View More
May 28 2014
The term silo has become something of a stop word; a term that when we hear it or read it, we almost begin to lose concentration (or for that matter, consciousness) from what other part of the message... View More
May 18 2014
Whether teaching, lecturing or just talking about enterprise content management (ECM) with folks, one thing commonly told to me is that the technology is in place, but the findability situation is still... View More
April 30 2014
Surprise! Your company is not the center of the universe. Unfortunately, too many companies think of themselves as being the center of their customer\'s universe. While this “may” be true for... View More
April 30 2014
Last year, we started to see the term omni-channel bandied around quite a bit, and the increasing “buzziness” of this word is only gaining steam. I’ll admit this catchy moniker made me... View More