April 18 2016
The unrelenting requirement to increase revenues, reduce costs, secure corporate assets and innovate is prompting organizations across all industries to identify areas that are ripe for digital transformation.... View More
March 28 2016
The mantra of our industry has long been one of "being paper-free." This is not new; we have been chanting this since the early days of document imaging. Overcoming the differences between acceptance of... View More
March 14 2016
While I’m sure I've bored many of you to death in the past about this subject, what can loosely be described as my career has really been a series of lucky accidents. One of those lucky accidents... View More
value chain
Feb. 29 2016
Organizations are scrutinizing virtually every area of business operations in an effort to reduce costs, increase operational efficiencies and drive worker productivity. In recent years, businesses have... View More
Feb. 10 2016
Shared drive remediation is a crucial activity for effective information governance (IG). IG helps to lower risks and costs by significantly reducing data volumes and providing accessibility and structure... View More
first step
Feb. 8 2016
Many of us, at some point in our lives, have decided that something must change, and usually, the beginning of a new year is a traditional time to be focused on that change. Some will decide to go to the... View More
Jan. 26 2016
Just look at the news and you see reports of data breaches, ranging from retail stores to major corporations and, yes, even government agencies. The type of information that is personally identifiable... View More
Jan. 19 2016
In today’s world, documents, whether paper or electronic, must be routed through an organization to trigger action. Although email is perceived to be superior to paper, it has caused significant... View More
Jan. 14 2016
A very dear Singaporean friend of mine taught me Wayne Gretzky’s saying, "A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." This is great food... View More
Jan. 13 2016
The phrases “digitizing your business” and “digital business” are becoming increasingly common, but they are admittedly a bit broad. What does a digital business even look like,... View More
Dec. 29 2015
In today’s ever-changing market, some previous best practices for document management are now obsolete while others are emerging as the new normal. From testing disaster recovery plans to rethinking... View More
Dec. 28 2015
Well, another year has passed. For some, it was too quick, and for others, not soon enough. As we prepare for 2016, it is a good time to start, or increase, our way of thinking multidimensionally. This... View More
Dec. 23 2015
This past May, I had the privilege of attending the 2015 DOCUMENT Strategy Forum. As always, the event provided excellent insight on the future of documents and communications. However, as I sat in on... View More
Dec. 22 2015
Today’s organizations continue to face challenges in managing customer communications. From maintaining compliance and regulatory changes to making communications more personalized, relevant and... View More
Dec. 18 2015
Digital transformation has moved up in the list of enterprise priorities for good reason, but getting beyond the standard pundit exhortations to go “digital first” means answering a practical... View More
Dec. 10 2015
One of the most vexing problems facing organizations today lies in the digital landfill known as “shared drives” (aka network drives or file shares). As an information governance consultancy,... View More
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Dec. 8 2015
As we enter the final stages of 2015, I reflect upon what has been happening in the collaboration space. We’ve seen the emergence of mobile collaboration and its impact on how people work. The workforce... View More
Nov. 25 2015
So, why the need for the whole cookie/biscuit conundrum clarification? It’s because I’ve been playing with how to best explain the concept of the flattening organization through a quick, visually... View More
Nov. 19 2015
Since the 1980s, there has been an industry mantra of businesses being paper-free. Initially, the focus was on the reduction of paper to save office space and improve “records” retrieval. While... View More
Nov. 17 2015
To date, more than 100 million licenses of SharePoint have been sold. Companies recognize the potential of this powerful content management platform to save time, speed up processes and enhance collaboration... View More