Agile Approach for Document Management
March 29 2019
Document management systems have become very complex, especially when implementing a new system across many departments. Each of those departments often has a different business focus— all the while... View More
IDC Automation Survey
Jan. 17 2019
By now, most organizations understand that embarking on a digital transformation journey is tantamount to their ability to compete in a changing and dynamic marketplace. At IDC, we expect the worldwide... View More
Jan. 8 2019
As more and more organizations look to move toward cloud content management, this particular technology segment is quickly evolving into a fragmented set of applications and tools. Today, cloud content... View More
Information Porblem
Dec. 19 2018
Here we are at the end of 2018, heading into 2019, and when we look at our information-related business problems of today, it’s as if we're frozen in time. According to a new research report conducted... View More
Nov. 6 2018
The lack of information technology (IT) professionals within the enterprise, the huge costs associated with professional services, and the lengthy amount of time invested in large implementations are all... View More
State of ECM Marketplace 2018
Oct. 26 2018
These days, all the talk is about how enterprise content management (ECM) is (to quote Gartner) “dead, kaput, finite, an ex-market name.” In some circles, the industry’s lexicon has moved... View More
What to Look for in a Content Services Platform
Oct. 22 2018
Times have truly changed, and so have the demands of organizations. Enterprises grapple with more data and content than ever before on a daily basis. The types of information an organization must manage... View More
Aug. 1 2018
Startups and innovation seem to go hand-in-hand. Maybe that’s why we all love that perennial story about two friends in their garage building the next epic disruptor that will change how we think,... View More
3 Approaches to Content Federation
July 26 2018
Content silos are an unfortunate byproduct of the move toward electronic documents. In paper form, a document could pass from one business process to the next, albeit very slowly. As organizations implemented... View More
OpenText World 2018 - OT2 Announcement
July 11 2018
At Enterprise World 2018, OpenText CEO Mark Barrenechea proclaimed in front of a crowd of 4,000 attendees at their annual customer conference, “We are reborn in the cloud,” and so it seems.... View More
OpenText EP4
May 30 2018
OpenText announced the availability of OpenText Release 16 Enhancement Pack 4 (EP4) earlier this month, which is designed to enhance its existing security, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of things... View More
Costs of SharePoint
May 29 2018
"Legacy" is a category into which Microsoft’s SharePoint certainly falls. Although it is a market leader and has a huge installed base, in regard to agility (particularly through the lens of user... View More
Digital Transformation Journey
April 25 2018
We hear the term Digital Transformation a lot but when you talk to people about it and what it means for them, many don’t have a good answer or clear understanding of what the term means, or what... View More
April 17 2018
Office 365 is Microsoft’s cloud for businesses. Designed around productivity and collaboration, Microsoft has integrated over 30 apps into the cloud platform. From email, file storage, and secure... View More
Content Services Is More than ECM
March 29 2018
Last year, the debate around the new term "Content Services" was born. To date, most of the talking points focus on the ... View More
Dropbox IPO
March 22 2018
Dropbox on February 23 officially unveiled its filing with Nasdaq to make an initial public offering (IPO) under the stock symbol DBX. The announcement ended one of the longest-running IPO sagas in the... View More
March 15 2018
A couple of years ago, I wrote about how people consider enterprise resource planning (ERP) to be the sexiest app on the block. Indeed, these are invaluable business tools, but that does not mean they're... View More
March 13 2018
Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of discussion around transforming the organization to be truly customer-centric in everything that it does. This charge toward customer-centricity has... View More
Content Services - What Is It and Does It Matter
Feb. 27 2018
Just over a year ago, Gartner published a highly provocative blog post claiming that "ECM is now dead (kaput, finite, an ex-market name)." They proposed that we all use the new term "content services"... View More
Feb. 6 2018
On the surface, designing digital content workflows sounds simple enough: create the assets; make them discoverable and accessible; and when they're no longer relevant to the current business and production... View More