Document management and imaging company, V1 Document Management announces the American launch of its electronic document management (EDM) green meter. This green meter, thought to be the first document management solution of its kind, calculates carbon and paper savings as a result of using V1 Document Management's EDM software. Sister company, Version One launched the green meter to the UK market late 2009 with the roll-out of this solution to America signifying the growing USA demand for green IT solutions.

V1 Document Management's document management solutions enable the electronic creation, delivery, circulation, storage and management of documents, eliminating the need to print-out, photocopy, post and manually file paper documents (invoices, statements, personnel records etc.). The environmental benefits of V1 Document Management's solutions are considerable including reductions in both paper waste and carbon emissions.

The launch of the document management green meter, which forms part of the company's Clean and Green environmental initiative, enables the positive environmental benefits of using V1 Document Management's software to be more accurately tracked. In particular, the green meter calculates and reports on CO2 and paper savings relating to the following actions:

  • Distribution of a document by electronic mail
  • Distribution of a document by automated fax
  • Automated storage of an outgoing document
  • Electronic document authorisation.

The CO2 and paper saving calculations are presented to users both numerically and in the form of an easy to understand tree graphic in which one leaf is added when one per cent of carbon or paper that makes up a single tree has been saved. Once 100 leaves have been added, the tree is stored, a new bare tree appears and the process begins again.

Lynne Munns, Vice President of V1 Document Management, says, "American organisations are under ever-increasing pressure to monitor and help to reduce their negative environmental impact, especially their carbon emissions. Our green meter is key to making a difference, giving users of our document management systems a better understanding of the environmental consequences of their actions."

Munns adds, "With a clear insight into the paper and carbon savings as a result of using our software, we hope that users will be encouraged to act in an even more environmentally responsible manner as they go about their day-to-day business activities."

About V1 Document Management
V1 Document Management is the American-based sister company to Version One (, a successful UK-based global provider of document management and imaging software. V1 Document Management's systems enable the electronic creation, scanning, delivery, authorization and management of documents. Tightly integrated into all major accounting and ERP systems, V1 Document Management's solutions eliminate the paper-based storage, duplication and circulation of all types of financial document. For further information, visit

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