Bob Larrivee

Bob Larrivee is a recognized expert in the application of advanced technologies and process improvement to solve business problems and enhance business operations. In his career, Bob has led many projects and authored hundreds of e-books, industry reports, blogs, articles, and infographics. In addition, he has served as host and guest subject matter expert on a wide variety of webinars, podcasts, virtual events, and lectured at seminars and conferences around the globe.
Nov. 21 2011
Over the past year, many organizations I have spoken with are pondering the idea of eliminating email completely form their organizational communications toolset. They are challenged with the ever-growing...
Oct. 23 2011
Email is one of the fastest growing issues and risk factors in business today. In fact, email has become the number one form or communication between employees as a collaboration tool and with clients...
Aug. 17 2011
Many organizations are beginning to explore ways of moving away from email or, at minimum, reducing email dependencies to correspond with one another. Tools like instant messaging and social media applications...
July 12 2011
Many organizations I have spoken with think that saving all email for all time is the best answer to email management. Wrong! Email management goes well beyond just saving email and, in my view, certainly...
June 15 2011
How many of you have been faced with the challenge of producing information for an audit or litigation? Under the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) and in many countries around the...
May 5 2011
Email is one of those elements in an organization that is a growing issue that no one wants to acknowledge though everyone knows something should be done to better manage it — especially in today's...
Jan. 11 2011
In order to identify our business and systems requirements, regardless of the technology segment, one must first understand the differences — and yes, there are differences. Typically, we think of...
Oct. 19 2010
Organizations are facing the reality that electronic information is, or can be, a record and as such, are now trying to address how they will manage this mounting mass. Many organizations are turning to...
Sept. 8 2010
How many times have you been the recipient of a project that provides you more improvements and better ways of doing things, yet no one even asked you or your peers how the job got done in the first place?...
July 1 2010
Many times, you will hear or see something in the news or at work and draw conclusions based on that bit of information. In some cases, it may be all you need to formulate a decision, but are you sure...
May 13 2010
Whether you are a fan or foe, believer or naysayer, the mantra of the paperless office is still here and, to a degree, getting louder. This fact brings a couple of questions to mind: First, what is driving...
  • The potential of generative AI to positively impact how we work and live is massive
  • You may wonder why an old content management guy is writing about generative AI and LLMs
  • Generative AI (GenAI) is set to revolutionize the Customer Communications Management (CCM) industry, driving profound changes in how businesses interact with their customers
  • Editor’s Note: This is part 2 of a 3-part series on AI in CCM. You can find part 1 in our Spring issue. Look for part 3 in the next issue
  • Today, executives are excited about the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) to help their businesses grow and innovate, potentially transforming every part of work, delighting customers with new e