April 27 2021
While it’s impossible to predict exactly what the post-COVID-19 world will look like, we can be fairly certain that business as we knew it over a year ago is not going to be the same. While organiza
March 16 2021
To say 2020 was a year full of disruption is an understatement. From dealing with a global pandemic and navigating related lockdowns to embracing a contactless, digital-first world, companies had to q
Jan. 27 2021
We were given the opportunity to learn many lessons in 2020, probably more than we wanted to learn... View More
generic reset
Jan. 7 2021
Take this opportunity to look at your communication processes, evaluate what was working and what wasn’t and set a new direction... View More
Dec. 16 2020
Organizations have a unique opportunity to position themselves at the forefront of the longer-term transition in customer behavior... View More
Nov. 13 2020
In the broadest sense, “transformation” means retiring manual, legacy business processes & systems and replacing them with a reimagined, more efficient and effective process and modern tech... View More
Nov. 10 2020
Of the many things we’ve learned from the COVID-19 crisis, one is how difficult it can be to do business as usual outside of the office... View More
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Oct. 28 2020
The last six months have brought about changes to businesses, families and individuals in ways we never could have imagined... View More
Oct. 21 2020
Having a well-managed CCM system ensures your ability to optimize the customer experience... View More
July 16 2020
IDC has predicted that by 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) will be integral to every part of the business. There’s no doubt it is already having an impact in the workplace. From simplifying and... View More
July 16 2020
Hitting unsubscribe is easy. We’ve all done it. It’s easy because the law requires it to be easy (and nobody likes paying fines). It’s also a best practice to make unsubscribing to emails... View More
June 30 2020
A recent research study by Aspire entitled, “The State of CCM-to-CXM Transformation” uncovered exciting intelligence on the radical changes transforming the Customer Communications Management
June 22 2020
Simply put, the expectations of customers are increasing at a rate that will not afford us the luxury of inside out thinking anymore... View More
June 10 2020
Companies that provide CCM solutions are carrying on routinely in most segments... View More
June 4 2020
With customer communications being a key lifeline of your business, an automated, modern CCM system can be critical to your continued success... View More
May 28 2020
With the start of a new decade, it seems like an appropriate time to look at some of the current CCM trends... View More
May 18 2020
For several years now we have been reading about the importance of embarking on a digital transformation journey and the value of speed and clarity when communicating with customers... View More
May 11 2020
Consider the type of communications sent, the channels used and the consistency of the communications sent during this crisis... View More
May 6 2020
Will it be abandoned, or will addressing a few issues spur growth?... View More
Industry Trends Q&A
May 4 2020
In this installment, Ernie Crawford of Crawford Technologies answers questions about industry trends in the current climate... View More