There are an ever-expanding number of ways to pay your bills. On a personal level, most of us attempt to use our credit cards (either to get cash back or earn points) or pay via online banking (to speedily... View More
Are you in the cloud? Are you going to the cloud? Moving electronic content and its management to the cloud drives great benefits in terms of reducing information technology (IT) storage costs and support... View More
Maturity models are not new, and chances are you or your organization has utilized a maturity model in the past. A maturity model enables an organization to assess its methods and processes according... View More
Electronic document management (EDM) in government is a very interesting issue that takes up a lot of meetings, though difficult to get the most use out of them. It is a slippery road for those who are... View More
Once upon a time, healthcare payer communications with its members was transaction-oriented and compliance-driven. Today, as the healthcare payer landscape embraces personalized communications technologies... View More
Since the advent of document imaging, the question around paper use and the challenge of paper reduction remain persistent. Organizations are willing to accept that paper-clogged processes impede their... View More
It’s disheartening—and a regular occurrence—to encounter companies that have invested heavily in sophisticated enterprise content management (ECM) and business process management (BPM)... View More
Several DOCUMENT Strategy articles have chronicled the rise of customer experience (CX) within enterprises over the past year or two, but CX has really moved from theory to practice recently. Many enterprises... View More
There is a lot of ongoing talk about artificial intelligence and machine learning and how it can provide superior results for document processing automation. Terms like “learning” and “training”... View More
Information is indeed the lifeblood of every organization, along with the people who retain and transmit that information. We have established that information is an asset and should be managed as such... View More
It’s in the news: Air bags don’t work, cellphone batteries catch fire, a customer's outrage goes viral on social media, profitability is down, increasing employees' unrest, lawsuits, and regulatory... View More
It's no secret that, despite the ongoing quest for digital transformation, many businesses are stuck in the old ways of using fillable PDFs and paper forms to capture information. The first thing tha
A Governance Policy Checklist for managing structured, dark, unstructured and semi-structured data is vital for organizations aiming to optimize operational efficiency, ensure compliance and enhance s
While we've explored how sophisticated technical strategies can enhance AI performance, it's now time to address the user-centric challenges that often determine the success or failure of these interactions
Ensuring document accessibility is essential for universal information access, catering to individuals who are blind, partially sighted or have cognitive impairments. Compliant, accessible document de
As the customer experience revolution approaches its twentieth year, a crucial lesson has emerged: customers' emotions are the driving force behind their actions